Reclaim your sensuality, your body, and your deepest desires.
Have you ever had the experience of being lost, directionless, and alone?
Or worse, feeling like you just don’t belong.
Women are in the midst of a gigantic collective transition. And what used to work – is no longer sufficient. .
You have something you want – it could be as simple as clarity, normalcy, a way forward through the unknown. Or maybe it’s more tangible than that – a raise, a new career, a lover, a family of your own, to write a book, fix your marriage, a sense of community, or to find your way to happiness. Really...anything.
And you just don’t know exactly what to do to get you there.
Or maybe you can’t articulate what’s wrong, or what your desires are. But try as you might, you just can’t shake this feeling that something is off, misaligned, out of sorts.
The only thing you know for sure is that you need a radical change. A fresh start. A new playbook. A paradigm shift.
...and you need it now.
One of the most tricky and elusive problems we face as women is connecting to our inner power source.
There is no encouragement of erotic power in this culture, and no modeling from one woman to another. We don’t learn how to connect to our inner feminine. Instead, we find billions of way more important things to do, ways to cut ourselves off, play small, hide out, and take our brilliance underground.
And in a post-pandemic society, where trauma walks amongst us, it’s easy to abandon ourselves entirely. It’s easy to believe we don’t deserve better.
When we are not connected to our innate life force, we are directionless. We use other people’s expectations in place of our own internal compass.
One of the most tricky and elusive problems we face as women is connecting to our inner power source.
There is no encouragement of erotic power in this culture, and no modeling from one woman to another. We don’t learn how to connect to our inner feminine. Instead, we find billions of way more important things to do, ways to cut ourselves off, play small, hide out, and take our brilliance underground.
And in a post-pandemic society, where trauma walks amongst us, it’s easy to abandon ourselves entirely. It’s easy to believe we don’t deserve better.
When we are not connected to our innate life force, we are directionless. We use other people’s expectations in place of our own internal compass.
Sister, we do not have time to live as less than who we are.
I did not know what to do, where to go, how to put one foot in front of the other. I was paralyzed by indecision, fear, and a sense of powerlessness.
Why? I, like oh so many of us, had been physically and emotionally violated by the patriarchal world culture. And I was longing for a spiritual connection to myself and the holy that felt true, real, powerful, inclusive, and feminine.
Instead I was just plain lost. I was scared of everything.
Scared of putting myself out there. (I chose to hide.)
Scared of living my dreams. (It was safer to bury them.)
Scared of my womanhood. (I lost at love, so why try again?) Hating my body, avoiding my sex. (My pussy had been violated, so I shut her down.)
And after 10 long years of curling up in a gigantic ball of depression, devastation, disapproval, and doubt...I got free.
Fucking, fricking FREE.
I found the GPS*.
GPS* (Great Pussy in the Sky) = the divinity that we, as women, have the ability to access by activating our connection to our sex.
It's the roadmap to our inner roadmap. It's our inner navigation system that fires up only when we are turned on and in sisterhood.
Please stick with me, here.
I am speaking to my sisters who are scared. My sisters who think their bodies and their pussies are disgusting. My sisters who are cut off from their truth. My sisters who have never had great sex. My sisters who are so skeptical that anything with the word ‘pussy’ in it is going to help — when pussy, sex, body has only ever repulsed you or let you down or broken your heart.
I am literally the last person on earth who ever thought she would be saying these words to you:
But you and I both know that beyond fear lies freedom.
And the greatest fear I had was pussy.
Your pussy is the seat of your power, creativity, and life force. Pussy is truly our higher power our no-holds-barred truth-detector our way-shower, our leader, our divine director...our guide when society, systems, and those in power have failed us.
And yet, we were never taught to listen to her. (In fact, we were taught never to listen to her.) We were taught to run from her truth (our truth). We were taught she couldn’t be trusted.
We were taught to ignore her and bow before some other god, some other viewpoint, any other voice but our own.
And we did as we were told.
But sister, this is NOT how it always was...
Our ancestors believed that Pussies were imbued with protective and healing energies. Pussies could protect villages from opposing warriors, harmful deities, and wild animals.
Ancient Egyptian women flashed their Pussies at the fields, warding off evil spirits and inspiring the crops to grow.
Pussies were known to guard against evil, and to nourish both the individual and the community.
This is why something so remarkable happens when a woman begins to turn back on and tune back in. When she connects to her Pussy, she becomes an unstoppable force.
All of this hinges on turning on YOUR desires.
You have a deep and burning desire. You want what you want so bad you can taste it. But there is no evidence that it’s on its way. And the unprecedented times we’re living in, make it seem impossible. You are stuck, paralyzed, unable to move in any direction.
You desperately need a change in your life and you are lost. You’ve lost touch with your power, your turn-on, your inner spark. You feel like you just do not belong anywhere.
You want more: more turn-on, sensuality, more manifestation of your desires, sisterhood, and connection to your own power.
Your sex life is dead and you need a jump start.
You have a great idea, you have a big fat desire and you want an amazing, powerful, turned on, outrageous container to flip the switch and turn that desire into reality in record time.
You feel lost. You are depressed and not sure how to get back to yourself. A quiet sense of hopelessness pervades. You turn to social media and virtual outlets for comfort, but find yourself endlessly scrolling and more anxious than before, feeling like an outsider while others take up center stage.
You are blocked creatively. You feel dried up and dispassionate inside.
You like the idea of turn-on and sisterhood and pleasure, but you can’t seem to find time for it (or when you do, you feel guilty).
You are hanging on by a thread: jobless or trying to keep your job, dealing with extreme isolation, lack of resources, juggling work, kids, and a profound loss of self.
I am not the same woman I was before taking this class! I was treating myself like a second class citizen and blaming everyone else for how overwhelmed I felt. After taking GPS*, I am really starting to understand on a much deeper level how truly sacred I am and how critical it is that I love myself up! Prioritizing self care has changed my life.
- Melanie S.
GPS* was incredible!!! I can hardly believe all that has changed for me and all that has happened. I got a lot more clients in my practice and made way more money. "Yes" came easy to me from others. I started connecting to other women in a more sustainable way. I can feel my desires closer than they have ever been before. Without even trying, I started to lose weight and feel more connected to my body. My intuition opened up more as well.
- Randé D.
My life has forever changed thanks to GPS*. This course changed my consciousness. I know that I do not want to return to the way my life was before. I'm now more aware of joy and my desires and the power I have to bring those to life. All of that power resides inside of me and is not held in other people's hands.
- Jennifer K.
My life is utterly changed. I enjoyed the support from a community of women in challenging the patriarchal ways of thinking and behaving instilled in me. Having a safe space to ease into my power was an amazing experience.
- Eileen K.
Your investment in GPS* is only $1500 paid in full or three easy payments of $550.
Questions? Please email
This course came out of my own desire for sisterhood and connection — at a time when we need it most. My sisterhood supported me to write this course and create this community.
For the first time ever, I have created daily rituals and practices for staying connected to your GPS* five days a week.
In the six weeks of this course, you will not only find the deepest kernel of the deepest truth of your desires, but you will know exactly what to do to get you there.
Sisters, it is only in the company of women that we can reclaim what was once ours.
Worried about accountability? Consistency? Connection? Don’t be! GPS* was designed with abundance in mind, so there are multiple ways to participate in the magic each and every day.
I am blown away! This course raised my vibration and completely changed my life. I have been experiencing so much rage and grief with everything going on in America, and attending GPS ignited more turn-on and pleasure into my life. It allowed me to find my truth and my center and to take relevant action. I feel at peace with myself even in these turbulent times.
- Katie M.
This course has completely changed me! I finally found the courage to put myself out there in a new way – publicizing and marketing my new business, facing the fear of success. This is huge! I was so stopped for such a long time, and now I feel free to celebrate my greatness.
You will learn how to...
Live Q&A Calls with Mama Gena
(Weekly from Noon - 1:30 PM ET)
These foundational calls will help you integrate new pieces of the curriculum, week by week. Expect edge-pressing exercises, intimate group work, game-changing insights, and moments of unparalleled expansion.
A turned-on Team of Pleasure Revolutionaries
Pleasure Revolutionaries are a seasoned group of School of Womanly Arts (SWA) graduates and volunteers who are here to show you the ropes, offer wisdom, lead practice calls, and help you out when you hit resistance. Consider them your big sisters and your bridge to deeper understanding as you move through the course.
Live Guided Practice Calls with Pleasure Revolutionaries
(Tuesday - Friday)
Weekly Homework
Each week in GPS*, you’ll be offered the opportunity for embodied learning – with individual assignments, partner exercises, and places to share about your experience in the FB group discussion feed. The key to embracing your power lies in consistent practice, and sustained connection with other goddesses.
"Ask a Pleasure Revolutionary" Student Q&A (Thursday and Friday)
Every Thursday and Friday in the GPS*, you’ll have the chance to ask vital questions and seek support from our team of Pleasure Revolutionaries. This is your space to show up vulnerably and receive personalized guidance from our most advanced practitioners – women who live and breathe pleasure on the daily.
Still have a burning question about GPS*? Then look no further than our FAQ page! There is a wealth of information here, so be sure to review each section. Chances are, you’ll find exactly the answer you’re seeking. If not, simply reach out to a member of our team!
I loved all the calls. I loved that the daily calls were only 30 mins on Zoom, and that I could practice the tools in sisterhood. I loved that there was a way to connect everyday that felt fun and easy.
- Randé D.
In the practice calls, I noticed how much I need to release anger and grief, even when I am feeling joyful, and how that release allows my entire being to feel so much more alive than only feeling joy fucking powerful!!!
- Claire D.
I felt like I was wrapped in the biggest container of safety and approval. And I absolutely found myself loving the feel of being turned on with tears of grief still running down my face.
- Kelli C.
I loved hearing other Sister Goddesses saying things I was thinking, feeling, and saying to myself. The sacred feminine is rising.
- Lauren T.
The Hot Hoover call was so joyful, energizing, and uplifting! What a fabulous way to begin the day!
- Sasha
I keep remembering how absolutely perfect and beautiful everything became when I stroked my body with such tender loving care. Everything was perfect. Everything was ecstasy. Everything was possible.
- Michelle N.
OMG, THE HOT HOOVER CALL THIS MORNING WAS THE BEST THING I'VE DONE ALL YEAR! GODDESSES! The brags, the leaders, the dance breaks. I was in a funky mood this morning. I was feeling unusually shy and I noticed some of the others were too. Seeing all the sisters bragging inspired me to take my running top off even though I had a sweaty jog bra on, and I put on a boa to rock it. LOVED IT. THANK YOU! The nitrite oxide is oozing out of my pores. SO GRATEFUL.
- Cyndy C.
I realized what a powerful turn-on it was to be guided in the meditation on made such a difference being told what to do and just being able to surrender to it!
- Tibebwa S.
It was so good to be on the GPS* calls and back in vortex of strong Sisterhood with MG at the helm. I am so grateful to all of you brave, beautiful, amazing Goddesses for being there and sharing your truths.
- Laura H.
Your investment in GPS* is only $1500 paid in full or three easy payments of $550.
Questions? Please email
Well sh*t, what hasn't moved forward since taking GPS*?! I've been able to fully embrace my body and extra weight, as well as the power I have. It's increased my confidence, which has allowed me to call in my perfect business and future plans. I've been able to release all of the anger I've had towards men in my life and I've even found my own G-spot. This course has expanded my mind to so many possibilities, and strengthened me and my relationships.
- Sheryl G.
This course changed my life! I was moved to tears to see GODDESS Power and Prowess in action. It gave me permission to be even more audacious in owning my power and taking a firmer hold of the reigns of my own chariot of FIRE!! Mama Gena said that when we add juice to our desire...things transpire! Truth! No more shame around my desires! No more shame around my pussy! No more hesitation and doubt. I CHOOSE my DIVINITY! The feeling of being in this together with an army of women across the world is a very STRONG MAGIC and MOTIVATION.
- Magano N.
Your investment in GPS* is only $1500 paid in full or three easy payments of $550.
Questions? Please email